Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (2024)

The sequel to Capcom's Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Dragon's Dogma 2, has been an undeniable triumph, providing an enjoyable action RPG adventure for all to enjoy. A leap toward the popular RE Engine means greater visuals, mechanics, and more, just as it has done with the Resident Evil franchise recently. A move toward the REX Engine for future titles may be able to take these elements a step further.


Ideas A Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC Should Borrow From Dark Arisen's Bitterblack Isle

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen's Bitterblack Isle is undoubtedly a great template for Capcom to work from for a Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC.

While this is the case, there are a plethora of pivotal aspects within Dragon's Dogma 2's gameplay, customization, and more that require major adjustments, to see it reach its full potential and stand above its beloved predecessor and the Bitterblack Isle DLC.

6 New Enemy Types

Dragon's Dogma 2 Consists Of Very Few Enemy Types Throughout

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (2)

A point of contention among fans of the series regarding Dragon's Dogma 2, was its very low enemy variety. Many of the enemies present within the 2023 title are the same as those in Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, with very few new additions.

Other popular and critically acclaimed RPG titles such as Elden Ring, maintain high levels of praise, and this is most certainly down to the high level of enemy variety. Ensuring a potential Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC introduces new enemy types, will not only provide players with what they've anticipated since the game's initial reveal but will encourage them to use different tactics or vocations to tackle situations differently.

5 Returning DDDA Vocations/Magick Archer Daggers

Mystic Knight Was Featured In Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (3)

While Dragon's Dogma 2 managed to add some brand-new vocations in Trickster, Mystic Spearhand, and Warfarer, it can be denied that many wished for more in this department. This is especially the case since Mystic Knight was not included, which was highly regarded in the game's predecessor, and has seemingly been replaced by Mystic Spearhand this time around.



Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Magick Archer Build

How to build the best Magick Archer in Dragon's Dogma 2.

It was also disappointing for fans to see that Magick Archer was making a return, but only with the ability to use a magick bow, unlike before, which allowed players to use daggers simultaneously. While the Warfarer vocation can allow players to switch between armor, weapons, and vocations with one button, it isn't the same as using Magick Archer alone due to the lower base stats.

If Capcom can bring Mystic Knight back and adjust the Magick Archer vocation, then it will prove to be highly beneficial in terms of player feedback.

4 Adjustment To Enemy Encounter Frequency

Enemies Encounters Occur Right After Boss Battles Consistently

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (5)

Considering the aforementioned issues with enemy variety in Dragon's Dogma 2, the frequency of enemy encounters during traversal stands as a big issue for many. The lack of enemy variety becomes far more apparent, as there is almost always a group of enemies waiting to attack players and their pawns, which can be bandits, goblins, wolves, or harpies.

While this was part of the charm of the first title and is a great way for Capcom developers to stop traversal being tedious, it appears to be a point of frustration here. With a future DLC, Capcom developers should not only introduce new enemies, but also adjust the frequency of enemy spawns, and give players some time before diving into the next battle.

3 Transmog

Dark Arisen Gave Players The Option For Clothing Alongside Armor

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (6)

While transmog wasn't included in the original Dragon's Dogma or Dark Arisen releases, it still gave players the option of basic clothing besides chosen armor sets. During the build-up to Dragon's Dogma 2's release, many fans had anticipated that transmog and outfits would play a huge part in the sequel's character customization, which unfortunately is not the case.

The Warfarer vocation does allow players to use any armor set or weapon of their choosing without any restrictions, but this does not include transmog. With this in mind, a simple addition of transmog that allows players to choose any armor set with the appearance of another will give players their long-awaited customization freedom.

2 Reduce Pawn Chatter

Players Can Mute Pawns Completely In The Game's Settings

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (7)

Despite the drastic improvements that have been made to AI, specifically pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 compared to its predecessor, the dialogue seems way too frequent and repetitive here. While players can easily stop this entirely via an option in settings, it would suffice if there was an option to reduce the frequency of pawn chatter.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Vocation Tier List

There are six different Vocations players can choose from for their main Pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2, some of which are more beneficial than others.

While there are several different personalities for pawns which result in different lines of dialogue and behaviors, the variation can sometimes be lacking after hearing similar lines repeated. This can range from pawns directing players, suggesting certain routes to destinations, or simply pointing out an undiscovered location. In a DLC or future overhaul update, the option to reduce pawn chatter may significantly change the in-game experience, giving players more options.

1 More Pawn Voice Lines/Improve Pawns Forced Introductions

Pawn Voice Lines Can Become Very Repetitive

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (9)

An alternate option to decreasing the frequency of pawn chatter, would be to implement more voice lines in addition to what is already in the base game. While this is a prerequisite for a great DLC, especially if there is a new map, this would be the perfect opportunity to build upon what is already present.

It would also change the forced pawn introductions during traversal in a positive manner, making for unique interactions. Since players' Arisen can not speak, this stands as a dealbreaker for increased immersion.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (10)
Dragon's Dogma 2

Action RPG


Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (14) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:87/100 Critics Recommend:93%

March 22, 2024
PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC (2024)


Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Changes We Hope To See In A DLC? ›

With a future DLC, Capcom developers should not only introduce new enemies, but also adjust the frequency of enemy spawns, and give players some time before diving into the next battle.

Has Dragon's Dogma 2 been fixed? ›

Thankfully, the reconstruction issues that plagued Series X have been resolved - at least somewhat. Earlier versions of Dragon's Dogma 2 had really obtrusive checkerboarding artefacts on Series X, with the game presenting a pixelated and less detailed image than PS5.

Was dragon dogma 2 a success? ›

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a successful game and borderline remake with enhanced visuals, new vocations, and improved gameplay for modern gamers to enjoy. The sequel's success paves the way for a potential Dragon's Dogma 3 to release sooner than the gap between the first two games.

How to modify appearance in Dragon's Dogma 2? ›

If you have an Art of Metamorphosis tome, you can modify appearance at any Barberie. Once purchased, go to any Barberie with the book in your inventory, and you'll have the option to change your appearance – you'll be given the choice between editing yourself or your pawn.

Is Dragon's Dogma 2 60fps on PS5? ›

Meanwhile, the much-discussed frame rate enjoys boosts just about everywhere. With ray tracing off, Dragon's Dogma 2 comes much closer to hitting its 60fps target, and the new patch pushes it even further.

Is Dragon's Dogma Online shut down? ›

In July 2019, the company announced that the game service would be discontinued on December 5 of that year.

Did Dragons Dogma sell well? ›

Total Dragon's Dogma franchise sales have now exceeded 10 million units, Capcom added. To put Dragon's Dogma 2's sales into context, it took the first Dragon's Dogma game a month to sell 1.05 million units after it went on sale at the end of May 2012, a tally Capcom declared a success at the time.

Is Dragon's Dogma 2 sold well? ›

The huge success of the fantasy action RPG may have even surprised Capcom, as the first instalment was released twelve years ago. Capcom has announced that Dragon's Dogma 2 has sold more than 2.5 million copies worldwide. The game, which was released twelve years after its predecessor, was released on 22 March 2024.

How many people still play Dragons Dogma? ›

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
MonthAvg. PlayersGain
Last 30 Days514.8+14.4
July 2024500.4-184.1
June 2024684.5-416.0
May 20241,100.5-1,253.2
94 more rows

What is the secret ending of Dragon's Dogma? ›

The True Ending Of Dragon's Dogma, "The Great Hereafter"

In their Seneschal form, the Arisen is invisible and cannot interact with anyone or most of the environment. However, should the player use the Godsbane to end their own lives, the cycle of the Arisen is broken and their Main Pawn is sent back to Cassardis.

What is the best vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2? ›

A-tier: Mystic Spearhand

If the Magick-Archer is the best vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 when it comes to a single ability that can lay waste to foes, then the Mystic Spearhand has the top option when considering a single skill that boosts survivability.

Does body size matter in dragons dogma? ›

Depending on the height you pick for either your Arisen or your main Pawn in DD2, the two main differences you'll notice have to do with Stamina Regeneration and Weight Capacity. If you decide to craft for an incredibly short Arisen, you'll have much faster innate stamina regen compared to a character who is very tall.

Does weight matter in Dragons Dogma? ›

Character weight and height effects stamina regen speed, movement speed and carrying capacity. I read that height exclusively effects stamina regeneration and movement speed. While weight exclusively is for carry capacity.

What is the exclamation mark in Dragon's Dogma 2? ›

Basically, if any of the Pawns following you mention something nearby, such as treasure, a ladder, an enemy or something nearby, Dragon's Dogma 2 marks it on the map - and if it's not something for which the DD2 has an obvious icon, like a treasure chest, it places an exclamation mark instead.

How to romance in Dragon's Dogma 2? ›

Characters in DD2 can be romanced by accepting and successfully completing their quests and increasing their affinity. These quests are time-limited so you will need to make sure to properly make the right choices and complete the quest within the time limit given to be able to romance the character.

Can you dodge in Dragon's Dogma 2? ›

In Dragon's Dogma 2, there is no dodge mechanism built into the game, which means that you have to be very strategic in the battle. However, in Thief Vocation, you have an ability called Swift Step that allows you to dodge attacks.

What is the update for Dragon's Dogma 2 June 2024? ›

Dragon's Dogma 2 title update June 27, 2024 patch notes:

Adding function to equip armor from the storage when changing vocation in a vocation guild. Increasing the maximum number of items of one kind that can be put in storage from 99 to 999.

How to make Dragon's Dogma 2 run better? ›

After toying around with the options, here are the best settings I found for Dragon's Dogma 2:
  1. Rendering Mode: Progressive.
  2. Image Quality: Default.
  3. Ray Tracing: Off.
  4. Ambient Occlusion: SSAO.
  5. Anti-aliasing: TAA.
  6. Screen Space Reflections: Off.
  7. Mesh Quality: Mid.
  8. Texture Filtering: High (ANISO x4)
Mar 25, 2024


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